
Time for an update on how our first online group, Making Sense of Adult ADHD is coming together. The 6-week beta program finished this month, and I’m currently mulling over the participant feedback and my own reflections before I dive into finalising the course structure and content so it is ready to launch.

I am so grateful to the beta participants for their generosity in providing feedback on the program. Often when you run courses or groups you worry that once people finish, they won’t always come back to fill out feedback forms, but I needn’t have worried – we had 100% of the beta participants provide feedback, which was such a positive way to end the group! And the very clear theme that came across for me when reading the feedback was about self compassion.

I feel extremely pleased that the emphasis I placed on self-compassion in the Making Sense of Adult ADHD definitely resonated with the group. I think every single participant mentioned they had grown their self-compassion, self acceptance and appreciated being able to hear other’s stories. One of the participants closely echoed in her feedback something which I said during the program – which is that self compassion is the silver bullet for managing adult ADHD.

Based on the way the beta group worked, I’m expecting to tinker a bit with the format but leaving it largely the same, as a six week program. I have put up a waitlist if people want to be notified when the program launches and is ready for signups.

Please visit the Affirming ADHD Making Sense of Adult ADHD program page to join the waitlist.

I’m also planning to launch the Affirming ADHD e-newsletter shortly. You can sign up for that in the pop up box which you see when you visit this site. I also wanted to show off the spunky email footer I’ve created for the newsletter. It’s so colourful! 🙂